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SOLVED - Another mysql daemon is already running with the same unix socket

How to fix "another mysql daemon is already running with the same unix socket" error on linux

This tutorial has been tested on centos 6.4. This error occurs because the Server is shutdown without warning and upon a reboot Mysql failed to start. This is because MySQL thought it was already running (since it didn’t shut down properly) and so there is a file we need to delete/remove to clear its memory in order to get it to start up again.
Step 1: Launch the SSH console.
Step 2: We want to ensure MySQL is not running, so we will turn it off using the following line:

 service mysqld stop

Step 3: Now we will move a file which is making MySQL think it is already running. You could delete it, but moving/renaming it is safer incase anything goes wrong. So now enter the following into the SSH console:
 mv /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock.bak

Step 4: With the file moved, let’s try to retart MySQL using the following line:

 service mysqld start

Step 5: And with any luck your MySQL service should start up again. This should be confirmed in the SSH console but you can check it under system services if you have Parallels Plesk or cPanel installed – or simply try to connect to a SQL database.

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